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About us - SmrityComputer

About us

Smrity Computer is a technology-based educative blog.In this blog, you will get articles on solution of various technology-related issues, basic ideas of networking, basic skills of freelancing, and their detailed discussions, latest news of technology and reviews on various gazettes, etc.


Smrity Computer was founded by Freelancer Shohug Chakrobortty in 2009. He has been providing his clients with computer & mobile phone hardware repairing services, various flash files, Factory Reset Protection (FRP) unlock files & android software for mobile phones, online freelancing services, etc.for around 12 years with a good reputation.

He has certificates in Computer Science and Mobile Phone Engineering. He has been working in various marketplaces (Freelancer, Upwork, Fiverr, and some local marketplaces) and works personally also for various clients. He is a professional Website builder and Web developer. He also has good expertise in Graphic Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), YouTube Video Marketing, and Blogging. At present, he is mainly operating some tech and news blogs and several YouTube Channels.


At the beginning of his career, Shohug Chakrobortty faced lots of difficulties to find out right information and guidance towards getting started, and he knows the feelings of beginners when there is nobody to help and support them.

So Shohug decided to share the tips and experiences that worked out for him and could help beginners to start their online freelancing journey and to keep them updated with the latest technology.

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